Practice for general medicine

Contracts with all
all public health
insurance companies

Private appointments on request

Mutter-Kind-Pass examinations

Preventative medicine


Dr. Ledermüller - Portrait

About me

Dr. Herbert Ledermüller

General Practitioner

I spent my childhood and youth in Brigittenau in Vienna. I graduated in Medicine from the University of Vienna in 1982. After doing my compulsory community service in the psychiatric department of the clinic in Gugging-Klosterneuburg and completing a four-year training at various hospitals in Vienna, I opened my own surgery in Wien-Mauer (23rd district) in 1988.

In 1994 I moved the surgery to Friedrich-Engels-platz.

In the course of the years, I have additionally trained and qualified in a number of different medical areas. It is important for me to treat my patients holistically, to treat the whole person. My choice of profession and my work have been influenced by the experience of having a severe illness in my childhood, and also by meeting many doctors who have inspired me.

I have been married since 1983 and am the father of 10 children.

Surgery Information

Contracts with all public health insurance companies

A deposit of € 50 must be paid if the E-card is not produced

Only one general practitioner may be consulted in each quarterly period

Infusions, injections, vaccinations, blood tests and ECGs are carried out 30 minutes before surgery opens normally or by arrangement

Patients with acute or infectious conditions will be seen sooner if at all possible

It is possible to book appointments online

Our surgery is an emergency surgery, which means that anyone who is ill and does not have a prior appointment will be seen in normal surgery hours.

An appointment is however necessary for the following services

Mutter-Kind-Pass Untersuchungen - Dr. Ledermüller

“Mutter-Kind-Pass” examinations (compulsory mother and child examinations)

Times: Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. These examinations cannot be conducted within the normal appointments, so please book a special appointment.

Vorsorgeuntersuchungen - Dr. Ledermüller

Preventative medical checks (Vorsorgemedizin)

Preventative medical checks are carried out after the normal surgery hours. Results from blood and urine tests are required. Please book a special appointment.

Hausbesuche/Hauskrankenpflege - Dr. Ledermüller

House calls

House calls can only be made in emergency. Please make the request with our receptionist or leave a message on the answering machine.

Physiotherapie - Dr. Ledermüller


Three physiotherapists with different focuses work in our surgery.

EKG - Dr. Ledermüller


A resting-ECG to measure the heart activity can be carried out. Please make a special appointment for it.

Homöopathie - Dr. Ledermüller


This service can be offered within a private consultation, as it requires more time than normal surgery hours allow. Please book a special appointment for this.

Blutabnahme - Dr. Ledermüller

Blood tests

These are carried out every second Monday from 07:30 to 09:00.
Please do not eat beforehand. You may drink only coffee, tea without sugar or water.

Laboruntersuchungen - Dr. Ledermüller

Laboratory tests

These include a complete blood count, blood sugar, urine, stool, blood clotting (Marcoumar) and inflammation parameters.

Kleine Lungenfunktion- Dr. Ledermüller

Small lung function

A small lung function test (forced vital capacity), to differentiate the so-called obstructive diseases of the bronchial wall, can be carried out.

Raucherberatung - Dr. Ledermüller

Smoking advice

Individual advice for giving up smoking is possible in a private appointment. A diagnosis and programme of actions is included.

Private consultations

I am pleased to offer private consultations, without the time constraints of normal appointments. These are possible after normal surgery hours (except on Fridays).

After working for almost 30 years within the statutory social security system, I see that it very often does not allow me to practice what is “my understanding of medicine”.


What does a visit to my private surgery entail?

After making an appointment (by telephone or online), you will, with no waiting time, receive the best possible consultation, diagnosis, and therapy for you personally. Your condition can be discussed in detail, symptoms clarified, and possible treatments explained and discussed – without the pressure of a full waiting room outside. I can also offer homeopathic remedies.

As many of us have to wait a long time for an appointment with a specialist doctor, I am planning to offer a few examinations, which the public health insurances do not currently cover but which would allow for a quicker diagnosis and treatment.

You will receive an invoice from me after the consultation, which is to be paid directly. Public health insurance companies will not reimburse the amount, however private health insurance companies will.


Prices for private consultations

First consultation:

30 minutes         € 55.—

45 minutes         € 80.—

60 minutes         € 100.—

Subsequent consultations – according to time required: from € 30.—

Additional services will be charged separately.